Personal Endeavour > Creativity in Endeavours > Review & Recap > Catalysts for Creativity > Optimism Confronted

Optimism and its Confrontations

We have come full circle in this analysis of the unfolding duality: optimism-thesis plus confrontation-antithesis combine to generate a new manifestation of optimism-synthesis, which is the thesis at the next higher Level.

Unfolding duality of optimism/substrate and confrontation/catalyst

Optimism is manifested within creativity via:

It is evident that there is nothing intrinsically optimistic about any of these particular states. That confirms the taxonomic view that creativity requires effort of a particular sort. It requires the willing and deliberate release of positive energies from the will, the root of all energies within human endeavour.

Confrontation that fosters creativity takes the form of:

All these states are intrinsically confronting. They demand courage because they all touch on your vulnerability.

Propositions-G1 can and do prove false or go wrong. Exposure-G2 can and does lead to humiliation. Limitations-G3 activate feelings of weakness and helplessness. Failures-G4 lower self-esteem and reveal you are not omnipotent. Critiques-G5 touch raw nerves, undermine confidence and increase uncertainty. Inspirations-G6 can delude or raise fears of being tricked. And any opportunity-G7 ups the ante.

If you can say to yourself at critical moments: «vulnerability is perfect protection», then you will be emboldened and your fears should shrink sufficiently to be covered by your courage. This phrase is a mantra, not a statement of fact. The point of it is that you must discover, activate or generate the appropriate form of calm optimism in order to proceed. It will also help you get the backing of others.

The Perils of Pure Optimism

There is a trend, peculiarly American in natureFor example: "Smile or Die: How Positive Thinking Fooled America and the World" by Barbara Ehrenreich, Granta, 2010., that espouses optimism as a panacea and solution to every difficulty. The magical efficacy of positivity is to be realized primarily by dreaming, desiring and wanting something: or alternatively by setting targets and goals for yourself. Such simplistic notions are probably unhelpful.

It is true that positivity, via willingness-RL7, does need to be wholehearted (g7). This is partly because courage is so important to handle the various confrontations intrinsic to creative work. However, the development of this Framework revealed several other qualities essential for success:

None of these qualities are generated by pure optimism and positivity. Yet without them, positivity cannot be converted creatively into the desired outcome.

Now consider another duality: the poles oscillate as you move from one Grouping/Level to the next.

Originally posted: 17-Feb-2012

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